Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Music |
Genre: | Classic Rock |
Artist: | Mary Fahl |
Itt is erről van szó. Egy klasszikussá vált darab hűséges, mégis egyéni tolmácsolásáról, egy interpretációról, melynek torokszorító szépsége éppúgy képes könnyeket csalni az ember szemébe, amikor a "sun is eclipsed by the mooon", mint az eredeti előadásé.
Mary Fahl nagy, telt hangja igen jól illeszkedik a lemezhez. A kíséret inkább elektronikus, és némileg keményebb hangzású az eredeti lemezénél, de eltérései ellenére hű marad ahhoz.
Ami pedig e rövid áttekintés felütését illeti: a "The Dark Side of the Moon" című album 1973.-ban jelent meg, és időtállóságát (a fentieken és Fahl előadásán kívül) számomra az is mutatja, hogy csak "második gondolatra" ugrott be: ez a darab már több, mint harminc éves.
A lemez (jelenleg) a multiplyon a grurinha.multiply.com/music/item/1657
címen, Gloria Modesto oldalán hallgatható meg, akinek köszönettel tartozom, mert nélküle még csak nem is hallottam volna erről a lemezről, és úgy érzem, szegényebb lennék nélküle.
Thank you Gloria.
From time to time have to recognize, I am not too young any more. I have just listened to "the Dark Side of the Moon" in the interpretation of Mary Fahl. My first reaction - besides that the interpretation is creepily beautiful and faithfult to the original - was, how can someone take braveness to touch such a great piece. But I had to recognise that this masterpiece is more than thirty years old now, and it's quality signed by the very fact that it is interpreted again.
While it is not too common in the popular and rock world to interpret known musics, but in other banches like the "classic music" or jazz it is everyday practice. Anyway, how we can know about the music of Bach, J.S. or Lassus, if there were no interpreters? Here we can hear the same: we can listen to a great interpretation, which is faithful to the original, while it is a personal interpretation. It is an interpretation of stomach-grabbing beautifulness whic calls tears into the eyes of the listener, when "the sun is eclipsed by the moon".
The great, fulfilled voice of Mary Fahl is fit perfectly to the record. Accompaniment is more elektronic and less ambient comparing to the "original", but it is faithful to it, while we can hear differences, too.
As the starting of this review: The Dark side of the Moon appearedin 1973. and it's never-lasting value is shown to me, that it was only second thought: it is more than 30 years old now. And it is shown by the very fact, that it is already interpreted now.
You can listen to this record (now) on multiply at page of Gloria Modesto http://grurinha.multiply.com/music/item/1657 to whom I concern a "thank you", because I would not even hear about this record without her, and I feel, I would be poorer without listening to it.
It is a great pleasure to me post something that causes surprise and can
VálaszTörlés"calls tears into the eyes of the listener" as you said. I had the same impression when Wagner (http://cyberogan.multiply.com) showed me this album. And he gave it to me as a gift, a jewel. And I´ve decided to share it, because it is too beautiful to keep locked
I´m honored with your review. Thanks to you to be a sensitive listener!