Hogy én ne lennék magyar?
Van olyan esztelen, ki nektek hihet?
Anyám már akkor megtanította nyelvemet, amin verselek,
Mikor még meg sem születtetek.
Apám, anyám is magyar volt,
És ha nem lett volna az?
Legnagyobb költőnk apja is
Petrovics volt valaha.
Hogy én ne lennék magyar,
Mert más népek sorsa is érdekel,
És életemet nem turullal,
Meg árpád sávokkal képzeltem el?
Már akkor magyarul énekeltem,
Mikor még meg sem születtetek,
Magyar, meg román táncokat tanultam,
Mikor a bölcsődébe mentetek.
Hogy én ne lennék magyar?
Mert így talán nagyobbnak néz ki egy szelet?
Hát mégsem tanultátok meg történelmeteket?
Már megint csak megvezetnek titeket!
Thanks For This Post...:=) TOM
VálaszTörlésOk, but what do you do with a Hungarian text?
VálaszTörlésHungarian to English translation:
VálaszTörlésI would not be in Hungarian?
There is a fool who you believe in?
My mother had already taught the language, on which rhymer,
When she did not even were born.
My father, my mother was Hungarian,
And had it not been for?
The greatest poets of his father
Petrovich ever had.
I would not be in Hungarian,
Because other people's fate is also interested in
And my life is not turullal,
Barley bands imagined?
Already Hungarian sang
When she did not even were born,
In Hungarian, the Romanian dances taught
When the crèche you go.
I would not be in Hungarian?
Because it's probably larger than looks for a slice?
Do not learned to történelmeteket?
Again only guiding you!
Jól sikerült vers és igazad van. Köszönöm.
VálaszTörlés:) word-by-word translations can not transfer the spirit, I think, and sometimes it may give a wrong translation, too. So this is my version, sorry, only without rhyming.
VálaszTörlésDo you say I am not Hungarian?
Is there any fool believes in what you say?
I was taught my language by my mother
already when you haven't born yet.
My father and mother were also Hungarian.
And what if they weren't?
Father of our gerates poet
Was called as Petrovics originally.
I would not be Hungarian?
Just because I am interested in
fate of other peoples, too,
and I do not imagine my life with
stripes of Árpád and the Turul?
I had been already singing Hungarian songs,
You had not yet even born,
and danced Hungarian and Rumanian dances
when you went first time to creche.
I would not be Hungarian?
Because you think your slice would be a bit bigger then?
Haven't you studied our history yet?
You are blindfolded now, all again!
:) Cheers :D
Nagyon jó vers, mint a többi.
VálaszTörlésAkár úgy is írhattad volna, hogy még pajzán gondolatok se voltak amazok, mikor Te már az iskolapadot koptattad.